Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Space Bags

Stuff it, Suck it and Hide it! I loved them when I first bought them at Wal-mart. A little pricey but damn near worth it when I found out how fun they were when I got home! I found myself stuffing items I had intentionally wanted to and then looking around in hopes of finding more stuff I could downsize! It was awesome!

I used some good techniques to get it as small as possible. The old jump on it with your butt to shut the overstuffed suitcase tended to work a little.

As time has gone on, I have noticed that the once tiny bags are a bit bigger as air does leak a little. Over time it probably will expand to the regular size, but all it takes a little sucking fun and it is back to half the size. I would recommend them for items to store under a bed or in a closet, Not suitable for the garage because no one wants to lug a vacuum out to the garage every few months for a suck session... OOH, I wonder if a shop vac could get them even smaller???

Price: $12.00-$20.00
Rating: *****

Where I got them: Wally World

Ring Slings (By: Tonya)

This is one of my personal favorites. I worked at Cal Fit for a couple of years and saw a lot of the moms having ring slings. They started out as a simple carrier to make life easier but have since turned into quite the fashion statement! They are super comfy and I use mine ALL the time.

I just went to San Fransisco with my 5 week old and loaded the huge stroller. After the 1st day I realized, it was SO much easier to just pack her in the ring sling! Mine was made for me from Tonya for my 1st baby and it is still going strong. She has since gotten more innovative and has added pockets to them!

Better yet! She even makes water ring slings! I don't have one yet but I am definitely going to get one for this summer to utilize in our pool. They are great for the shower too! :)

She has examples on her myspace and you can message here there if you are interested in one. They come in all different fabrics and you can even pick your own. She is a Sacramento local but I am sure she wouldn't mind doing some shipping.
They range from $25-$60 and are well worth it!

Price: For me FREE! $25.00-$60.00
Rating: ***** (mine is a 4 but it would be a 5 if it had a pocket)

Where I got it: http://www.myspace.com/daryon

The Hooter Hider

The hooter Hider is by far the best invention for a breast feeding mother! I use mine constantly! I am a very modest mommy... so this thing is great! It has a special boning around the neck so you can see what is going on without anyone else... It can seem like it gets in the way when you are first learning to breastfeed, so make sure you are doing good and then get comfy with this! It has an adjustable neck which is really nice and there is even a pocket in one of the corners made of terry cloth for easy clean up and boob pad storage...

Another thing about this product is men have no clue what it is when they first see it... At first you may get some awkward looks of "Why the heck is that bib so big?" Then they realize what is REALLY going on and they turn quickly and run away... :) But they soon realize how great it works as well and their uncomfort usually subsides.

I work with the Jr. High in my church and was constantly excusing myself to go feed Brylie. I finally just whipped out the hooter hider and not one of the students knew what I was doing. :)

Price: For me FREE :)

Rating: *****

Where I got it: My sister made it...

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

DO NOT clean any wood surfaces with clear coat finishes with it! This little thing can do a lot of damage.I intentionally got it to clean around the jets in our tub where the mold starts to grow... it worked okay but nothing a regular sponge and commit couldn't do.
I do like that is doesn't hold all the bacteria but it doesn't last very long. One clean of my bathroom and kitchen and it was gone.
Also, I like things to smell clean... This doesn't do that... :( When your husband comes home and he can smell that you have been cleaning, it is much better... I swear he can leave with the house being a complete disaster, come home to an immaculate house and if he doesn't smell it... he doesn't notice... but sprinkle a little carpet freshener on the carpet and don't lift a finger, and he thinks you have been working hard all day... TRY IT!

Price: $2.00-$3.00 for 2
Rating: *****
Where I got it: Wally World